How to choose the route and trains?

Many train travelers from Beijing to Xian choose the route to stop at Datong and Pingyao in between. Here we advise the trains which are practical and save your time and money.

  • From Beijing to Datong
    Train K695 (23:32-06:05) Beijing Station-Datong Station
    The overnight train provides Soft Sleeper (RMB152.5) and Hard Sleeper (RMB99.5). It originates from Beijing Railway Station and ends at Datong Railway Station which provides enough berths for booking. It saves your spent on your hotel with a sleep on the train.
  • From Datong to Pingyao
    Train 2463 (22:31-05:52)Datong Station to Pingyao Station
    The train provides a few (less than 10 berths) soft sleeper tickets(RMB178)and hard sleeper tickets (RMB115). Early booking is advised, especially in summer and holidays. In case you are not able to get the tickets from Datong to Pingyao, try to buy from Datong to Linfen. Linfen is the train's destination station after Pingyao, but you can get off at Pingyao in between.
  • From Pingyao to Xian
    There are high speed trains from Pingyao Gucheng Station (Pingyao Ancient City Station) to Xian North Station which take around 3 hours.  1st class seat RMB240, 2nd class seat RMB150. The trains we suggest you book are
    D2505 08:40-11:50
    D2561 10:08-13:01
    D2511 11:08-14:15 (less than 10 seats are provided)
    D2527 18:00-21:07
    D2539 18:40-21:55 (the supply of 1st class seats is limited. Generally less than 8 seats)
    D2533 20:01-22:39

Where do the trains leave and arrive?

  • From Beijing to Datong
    Beijing Railway Station
    Beijingzhan St., Dongcheng District, Beijing  北京火车站  北京市东城区北京站街,
    📍 39.9036832, 116.4272386
    Datong Railway Station
    4 Zhanqian St. Pingcheng District, Datong 大同火车站 大同市平城区站前街4号 F
    📍 40.11968, 113.30255
  • From Datong to Pingyao
    Datong Railway Station
    4 Zhanqian St. Pingcheng District, Datong 大同火车站 大同市平城区站前街4号 F
    📍 40.11968, 113.30255
    Pingyao Railway Station
    14 Zhongdu Rd, Pingyao, Shanxi Province 平遥站 山西省平遥县中都路14号
    📍37.20744, 112.16833
  • From Pingyao to Xian
    Pingyao Gucheng Station (Pingyao Ancient City Station)
    Wenjing Avenue, Pingyao, Shanxi 平遥古城站,陕西省平遥县文景大道
    📍37.15656, 112.15012
    Xian North Railway Station
    Yuanshuo Rd, Weiyang District Xian, 西安北站, 西安未央区元朔路
    📍34.37524, 108.93897