How to travel by train from China to Laos?

The most popular route is from Kunming to Vientiane. On April 13, 2023, China-Laos high speed railway launched the crossborder passenger services which provides a fast, comfortable and cheap way to travel between the two countries. The 1,000-kilometer rail line, which links Kunming, the capital of China’s Yunnan province to Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Train D887 leaves daily from Kunming South Railway Station at 8:08AM and arrives in  Vientiane Station at 5:38PM.

Where can I book the train tickets from China to Laos? provides the ticket booking service for the crossborder train D887 from China to Laos. The website accepts advance booking and the confirmation can be sent by email 15 days before the departure the earliest when the train opens for sale. Train D887 offers 1st class seats (CNY864) and 2nd class seat (CNY542). The online booking requires a copy of the passenger's passport. It accepts credit cards and PayPal. Passengers can redeem the paper ticket at the counter of Kunming Railway Station with the confirmation and the original passport.

Where does train D887 stop?

There are 7 stops between Kunming and Vientiane.

  • 08:08 Kunming South, China

  • 10:32 Puer, China

  • 11:20 Xishuangbanna, China

  • 12:27 Mohan, China

  • 14:09 Boten, Laos

  • 16:49 Luang Prabang, Laos

  • 17:42 Vang Vieng, Laos

  • 17:38 Vientiane, Laos

    The times above are local time.

Where is Kunming South Railway Station?

The international crossborder train D887 leaves from Kunming South Railway Station (昆明南站). The railway station connects to subway line 1 and 4.

Address: Xiangyuan Street, Chenggong District, Kunming, Yunnan, China (云南省昆明市呈贡区祥园街)


How to receive my tickets and board the international train D887 from China to Laos?

After you have purchased the train ticket online, you will receive a confirmation by email. Present the confirmation together with your original passport to redeem your paper ticket at the specific counter for China-Laos Railway at Kunming South Railway Station.  The staff at the check-in gate will check your train ticket, passport and visa.

Visa requirements

  • Ensure you have the appropriate visas for both China and Laos before you embark on your journey.
  • Check the specific visa regulations for your nationality and make sure you obtain the necessary documents in advance.


Border Crossing

  • Train D887 stops at Mohan (磨憨), the border town on the Chinese side, at 12:27.
  • Passengers are required to bring all personal belongings and get off the train to pass through Chinese immigration and customs checkpoints. The China-Laos cross-border railway passengers are required to complete the Mainland Health Declaration online form within 24 hours prior to the departure time at and save the screenshot for check. Passengers board the train again after going through all the procedures.
  • Train D887 leaves Mohan at 13:57.
  • Train D887 arrives at Boten (磨丁), the border town on the Laotian side, at 14:09.
  • Passengers are required to bring all personal belongings and get off the train to pass through Laotian immigration and customs checkpoints.
  • Train D887 leaves Boten at 15:39